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10 Proven Strategies to Maximize Your eCommerce Conversion Rate - RK Software Solutions
July 27, 2024

10 Proven Strategies to Maximize Your eCommerce Conversion Rate

For any online store to become successful, it has to keep an eye on the website design and conversion rate too. You have to focus on various customer conversion steps to keep loyal customers and also attract new customers to your eCommerce store.

This post aims to showcase the 10 proven strategies that help you to maximize the eCommerce conversion rate and grow your revenue.

1. Develop a Conversion Rate Optimization(CRO) Strategy

For any eCommerce business model, developing a customized Conversion Rate Optimization Strategy using the invaluable customer data is a need. Creation of a structured CRO plan will ensure that you achieve your goals and the process will run smoothly. Following are the four critical components in developing a strong CRO strategy.

  • Gathering information
  • Collecting all the data
  • Putting all the information together
  • Revisiting your strategy

2. Simplify Website Navigation

Your website needs to have clear navigation. You have to design the footer and header navigation based on the searches made by the customers. Place the most searched or liked items in the footer or header for ease of access. The navigation menu should also be designed according to the importance given by the target audience.

Here are some of the rules for creating a useful navigation

  • Do not create categories just because you need to create. Use some tools like google analytics to find out the most visited landing pages. Create categories according to the frequently visited pages.
  • You can use heat mapping tools to know how a customer uses your website. This enables you to leave unreliable assumptions about user interactions and better understand the customer usability of your site.
  • Create the categories according to the searches made by the customers. You can use the in-store or other analytics tools to find out the most searched item. Bring those items to the front, and you can expect more customers to go for the product. You can also arrange the categories according to the popularity. Most popular categories can be placed at the top and place the least popular items to the bottom

3. Enhancing the Mobile Experience

Most of the online shopping is done through mobiles. So your site should be compatible with all the mobile devices. If you optimize the mobile viewing of the website, then the customers can navigate quickly and purchase what is needed immediately. To increase the loading speed, keep the images compressed with high quality. Ensure that the loading speed of the site is under 1 second and take the necessary steps to maintain the speed. Always try to give the customer a hyper-efficient experience, so that they return to your site.

4. Collecting the Relevant Data

User data plays a vital role in understanding your customers and make critical marketing decisions. You can collect this data using various analytical tools. CRM surveys can also get the relevant data for you. The data collected can be qualitative or quantitative. Use the data to know where your site is encountering the most number of clicks. As said the data can come from customer feedbacks, social sites, and other 3rd party websites.

5. Know the Data that Needs to be Analyzed

There is a wide range of data that is collected daily through your website and other means. Identify the loopholes, barriers, and bounces that are leading to incomplete transactions and cart abandonment. Also, assess your current conversion funnels and goals that lead them to know about your losing customers.

6. Create an Impressive Home Page

The first impression is created on your website just by staring at the homepage. If you include too many images or products on this highly converting page, then there is a chance that the customer might get confused and leave your site early. So keep your home page simple and easy to navigate. Follow the below tips:

  • Feature the top sellers on the homepage. Keep focussing on the top-selling brand or product on the website and promote them with the help of banners and sliders.
  • Integrating “Add to cart” buttons at the top-selling brands so that customers can directly follow the checkout page.
  • Unlike the static navigation pages, you can use the sliders to display your products. These sliders are called carousel sliders and are frequently updated.
  • Link out essential pages on the homepage. New product information, shipping options, some special sale offers, etc. can be placed on the homepage for ease of access.

7. Improve Your Product Pages

The product page is most crucial for any eCommerce website. You should regularly test and tweak these pages to get the best results. The main aspects of the best product page are the right color, best call to action and the layout.

Follow some of these steps to have a finished product page.

  • Write unique product descriptions. If your product has a great description, then the customer is impressed and will add the product to the cart. You should be able to describe the features, functionality and also how the product is useful to the customer.
  • Using high-quality product images to showcase your products. The use of professional photos will improve your sales by 2% than the normal.
  • Maintain accurate and precise product options. If a product is available in different colors then give the option there itself, do not create a separate product page with the same content. Having duplicate content may be penalized by Google.
  • Add videos if possible. If there are videos available for the showcased products, you can include them for a better visual experience of the customers.
  • Make sure that the prices are visible.
  • Include some charts or calculators to find out the prices based on the model size, specification, color and shipping estimates.
  • Include notifications related to the stocks. It is essential that the products which are not in stock must be showcased as out of stock on the product image itself. You can have a note included like “notify me when the stock arrives,” this creates a good impression on the customer’s mind.

8. Improve the In-store Search

The search form on your site is crucial for your customers to find out the required products. Here are a few suggestions to improve the search on your site.

  • Always make sure that the search function is visible and easily accessible by the customers.
  • Make tests regularly for accuracy.
  • You can implement auto suggestions so that the customer can find the necessary product easily.

9. Know Your Customers

You have a great online store when it can give the experience of an online store. So to have a beautiful online store you need to take the suggestions and feedback from the customers and serve them better. So how to generate customer feedback?

There are some ways to generate the customer feedback.

  • Surveys revealed that most of the customers trust reviews from their peers for a quick reference. So, let your customers review your products and make use of that reviews to embed at the critical places of your online store.
  • Make use of Live Chats: A live chat option is perfect to know the concerns of the customer who is using the site at that particular time. It is the right platform for the customers also to complain about the current issues and frequent problems on the site.
  • Implement surveys for your website visitors and your customers. Based on the survey reports you can make changes to the website or the products featuring on the site or else you can add new products.

10. Always Think for the Long-Term

Conversion rate optimization is not a single day strategy. It needs a long-term dedication to find, implement and test new ways for functionality, user interactions and performance analysis for better CRO’s and ROI.


If you are an eCommerce store owner and looking to improve your conversion rates, then we’d love to help you. Our dedicated team of designers, developers and strategists work together to optimize your site for users and devices of all types and origins. Contact or Call us now at +1(917)745 8048 to discuss your project now.

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